Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New stories...

A long, high horn sounded, and all activity in the camp stopped. Hyran noticed that everyone he saw was looking in the direction of the watchplatform, a beacon of direction that Hyran hadn't even noticed for hours. "What's going on?" he asked, not really expecting an answer.
"It's Yis' signal. He hasn't used it in weeks."
"What does it mean?"
"Watch and listen, is all."
And what he heard was the sound of voices, cheering, a din that grew as it approached. "FREE!" The din became deafening as a million and a half Vle exulted. But, soon, it died down, and Vle went back to their houses.
"Come, Hyran. Yis even planned for this moment. When it's our turn to go out, we will be told. In the meantime, we need to prepare."
Hyran made a mental note to complement Yis, if he ever saw the Mayor again.
It turned out that it wasn't even their time to go until the next morning, but Hyran was relieved when it was time. One of the guides appeared at the door and called, "House 266! Move toward the exit now. Hyran, please meet Yis at Mayor's office. You have a visitor."
A visitor? That was intriguing. Who could it be?
It wasn't hard finding the way to the gate with so many Vle to follow. Once out, he made his way over to the watchplatform. As he exited the crowd, he saw a familiar Vle standing by the lift.
"The Great Redeemer bless this day, Hyran," said the Representative.
"The Great Master bless you, equally, Your Holiness." Hyran found he was even more intrigued, too much so to feel any animosity.
"You will be wondering what I am doing here."
"Yes, Your Eminence, that is the basis of all the questions I have."
"Walk with me. We shall return to town." They turned, and joined the southbound crowd. "The question you brought me was very well worded, Hyran. The logic is impeccable. It would seem that thanks to the Larmanian King, our faith has come upon a turning point."
Hyran put his tongue between his teeth to bite back his impatience.
"I spent weeks turning your words over and over in my mind. And the only thing I can conclude is that I was too hasty in expelling you. I was too busy watching where your logic was going to really allow for a true theological argument.
"Furthermore, I became convinced that the true role of the Representative is not to perpetuate old ideas but rather to continually search for new inspriation. So, I went to speak with the King, to perhaps do as you asked- discuss the possibility of releasing the light Vle."
"I see you were successful."
"No, thankfully, the general feeling in the palace was already toward release. I merely was the... catalyst, you might say. The fact remains that you were right. So, without further ado, I reinvest you as a monk of the Kelwome order. And, I promote you to Representative of the Great Master."
Hyran was shocked, speechless. In stopping, a family nearly ran him over with their wagon.
"Do you not wish to be reinvested?" the elder Vle asked once Hyran had recovered.
"Y- yes, of course. I just... had thought of that part of my life closed behind me. But Representative! That's quite a jump. And aren't you concerned that my theological writing may be even more challenging than before?"
"That's exactly why I want you to lead us. To challenge us. Once I allowed myself to follow your logic, much of the rest of your theology, as I could discern from your writing, made so much more sense than my own. In short, you've made a convert."
"Your Holiness, may I ask a question?"
"Of course. And remember, you are ‘Your Holiness', now."
"How is it that you are here? Was there no resistance to your leaving? And what of the battle on the peninsula?"
"No, there was no resistance, and the flag of Kezantopil was enough to ensure my safe passage."
"You risked much in coming here."
"I did. But you showed me it was necessary. I know your vows mean a lot to you. Could I do any less?"
Hyran surpressed a smile. "You honor me greatly. Yes, I suppose I might be able to fulfill His Mandate in this world. I accept."

They stayed overnight in the apartments of the High Priest of Dronac, and parted company in the morning. Hyran had two weeks before he had to take up his new duties in Kezantopil, so he took his place in the crowd, and made his way back to Kelwome.
Sadly, the town had not fared well, as if perhaps it had been a prize in a battle. Hyran had to use the monastery's lift all the way from the ground. At the top, a novice greeting him, surprise on his face. "Hyran! You've returned! What brings you back?"
"Now, novice, do you not know how to properly address your elders?" Hyran allowed the statement to sink in before announcing, "I've been reinvested!"
"That is great news. We have missed you." The young Vle reached over and rang the bell of announcement.
Soon, the abbot's face peered over a ledge above them. "Hyran! It is good to see you well. I got the message from Grinden, so I know you don't need my permission to enter anymore."
"Thank you, Abbot. It is good to see you as well."
"Please wait a moment. I will come down."
Hyran waited, and noticed that other passing monks had noticed him as well and coming over to see him. But the Abbot took precedence, of course, and reached Hyran first. "Your Holiness, I greet you on behalf of all our brothers. Come, tell me about these past months..."